
October 22, 2011

Photo Essay: Saarinen's TWA Terminal, JFK - Interior (B&W)

When I finally got to visit the old TWA Flight Center at JFK (in front of JetBlue's T5), I was glad that I'd made the trip all the way out from California just for Open House New York Weekend, but I wished I'd seen the terminal before its partial restoration, and I wished so many people weren't there with me.

Still, I managed to get a large set of lonely, haunting photographs, the below black and whites of which show some of the darker corners and hidden, deserted areas in the shadows of the unrestored parts of the fabulous landmark.

To see the other photo essays from my visit, see:
Photo Essay: Saarinen's TWA Terminal, JFK - Interior (Color)
Photo Essay: Saarinen's TWA Terminal, JFK - Exterior

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