- Photo Essay: Rancho Los Amigos, Abandoned County Poor Farm, Downey (Exterior)
- Photo Essay: Paying Tribute Aboard A Restored Navy Swift Boat, the Only Vietnam Memorial You Can Ride
- Photo Essay: George Air Force Base, Abandoned & Consumed
- Photo Essay: Abandoned Naval Housing, Western Avenue
- All Aboard the Carney's Express Limited: Sunset Strip
- Beyond Repair: The Inauspicious Fate of Good Luck Bar and Its Iconic Neon Sign
- Photo Essay: Lanterman Developmental Center, Pomona, Haunted and Closing
- Photo Essay: Surfridge, LAX's Beachside Ghost Town—Part One
- Photo Essay: Into the Abyss of Downtown LA's Underground Tunnels
- Photo Essay: Boron Air Force Station / Boron Federal Prison, Abandoned (Mostly)
- The Forbidden Haunted Mansion of Spadra Ghost Town
- Photo Essay: Patton State Forensic Mental Hospital for the Criminally Insane
- Photo Essay: Inside Greystone Mansion (Updated for 2017)
- Photo Essay: Verdugo Hills Cemetery - Deteriorated, Vandalized, and Washed Away
- Photo Essay: Lincoln Heights Jail, Closed to Public (Updated for 2017)
- Not What I Moved to California For
- Photo Essay: Desert Center Ghost Town (Updated for 2021)
- Photo Essay: Pasadena's Vacant Hospital of St. Luke, Patron Saint of Physicians, Doctors, and Butchers
Other Blogs/Online
- Stacker (nationally syndicated):
- "Offbeat adventures: Travel to the coolest hidden wonders in every U.S. state"
- "25 reportedly haunted places across America"
- "Can you name the one-hit wonder behind these iconic song lyrics?"
- Cheapinsurance.com: "17 unusual alcohol laws that could get you busted across the world"
- TravelPerk.com: "15 US airports getting major renovations—and tips for navigating them"
- Frommers.com "How to Rose Parade"
- LAMag.com: "How the Creators of Napa’s Suspension House Defied the Odds"
- DiscoverLosAngeles.com:
- The Los Angeles Athletic Club: Story of an L.A. Icon (archived)
- Ace Hotel Downtown Los Angeles: The Story of an L.A. Icon (archived)
- Hotel Normandie: The Story of an L.A. Icon (archived)
- Atlas Obscura: AtlasObscura.com
- KCET.org: SoCal Wanderer, Travel, Food, LostLA
- PBS SoCal "Miracle on Wilshire Boulevard: From Growing Beans to Counting Beans In a Shopping District That Beat the Odds," "Beyond Gene Autry: The Making of the Singing Cowboy Myth," and SoCal Wanderer
- KTLA: "What’s California’s — and every other state’s — signature dessert?"
- Smith Magazine (+ Six Word Memoir of the Day)
- Fortune / CNN.com "Career Wisdom in Just 6 Words"
- deLaB "Making LA: 28th Street Apartments Tour"
- Los Angeles Magazine Best of L.A. 2022
- DTLA Book 2018
- Six Words About Work (Smith Magazine)
- The Sun Runner Desert Writers' Issue (Aug/Sept 09) - "The Call of the Salt"

- Winner - Sum Up 2010 in Six Words (Smith Magazine / WNYC / NPR) (one winning entry here)
- Winner - Six Word Resolutions 2010 (Smith Magazine / WNYC / NPR) (one winning entry here)
- Winner - Six Words on New York City (Smith Magazine)
- Winner - Six Words on the Digital Life (Smith Magazine / PBS / Frontline) (one winning entry here)