
January 15, 2009

Making News in the TCI

I've been on TV a lot more than most people I know. Sure, I've been lucky to get on (and win) two game shows, and I worked hard and was trained to get on QVC. But I had to really pursue those opportunities. Sometimes, the cameras just appear.

Starting in grade school or junior high, when I was interviewed about our school's new AIDS education program (in the mid-80s when it was critical to do so), and then high school, when I used to speak in front of the school board and campaign for causes I believed in, I've managed to get on the news.

More recently, I was shopping in Tower Records at 4th and Broadway once in NYC and a local news crew asked to interview me about some recent Michael Jackson scandal. I was happy to oblige.

This time, I wasn't thrilled about wearing no makeup, the state of my ocean-soaked, windblown hair, or the amount of skin I was showing, but when Andre from TCI New Media Network asked to interview me for his news story on our KIDZ BOP music video shoot, I couldn't say no.

Skip to 7:58 to watch.

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