[Last updated 1/1/24 8:34 PM PT—The gift shop, which remained open through the end of 2023, is now permanently closed. The status of the property is still TBA.]
[Updated 8/23/22 9:14 PM PT—The last of the Dominican nuns have left the monastery and the Dominican Order has suppressed, or deactivated, it. A lawyer representing the monastery told the Los Angeles Times in June that there were no plans to sell and that the chapel and gift shop would stay open. But a recent Esotouric visit says otherwise.]
But there’s a halo hooked onto the devil horns of this flawed, misunderstood, and sometimes bacchanalian metropolis.
LA, in fact, can be downright angelic.

circa 2015
A little off the beaten path—in the angelic realm, anyway—are the cloistered Dominican Contemplative Nuns of The Monastery of the Angels.

As part of their monastic life, the nuns have withdrawn from the world to devote their lives to praying, studying, and performing daily morning mass.

circa 2015

circa 2015

circa 2015

circa 2015

In its heyday, it provided a chic getaway for god-fearing stars and starlets to retreat from the Babylonian evils of Tinseltown and into prayer—including actress Jane Wyman, who donated a sculpture of Mother Mary that still stands in the courtyard today.

Since the 1950s, the nuns have gotten to indulge in one hobby—making treats such as peanut brittle, hand-dipped chocolates, and, since 1965, pumpkin bread.

circa 2015

In addition to the gift shop, there's a chapel open for quiet contemplation...

...and even more statuary sprinkled throughout the courtyard (including a depiction of St. Martin de Porres, a 16th-century illegitimate child of Spanish nobility and a Panamanian freed slave who's widely revered by the Dominican order.

In the walled garden, the Stations of the Cross provide the opportunity to trace the final path of Jesus prior to his crucifixion...

...alongside beautiful relief sculptures mounted on the curved stone wall.

With Lent starting next week and Easter just about seven weeks away, it's the perfect time to visit the Monastery of the Angels...

...even just to check out a historic site in LA that not too many people know about...

...and even fewer visit any time of the year besides Christmas...

...which is the most popular season for their famed pumpkin bread.
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