[Updated 10/30/22 10:45 PM PT with new photos from 2021 and 2022 at bottom]
Sometimes the best Halloween haunts are the ones only the neighbors know about.

But The Haunt on McLaughlin in the MarVista neighborhood of Los Angeles hasn't shown up on any of them.

And by God, this yard haunt is one of the best.

It's the creation of a young teen who lives there, and who can be found tinkering with the wiring out in broad daylight—especially if he's discovered something's not working.

The best part is the interactive aspect—that is, certain decorations that you activate yourself by stepping on designated pads.

What a delight!
When I showed up two nights before Halloween—based on a tip I'd seen deeply embedded in the comments on a friend's Facebook post—the soundtrack was early 2000s Euro techno, which somehow seemed appropriate.

Upon my arrival, it quickly changed to "Ghostbusters," which helped drown out the barking of the attack dog I'd triggered to come out of hiding.
Bravo, I said to its creator as I walked back to my car. I hope he knows what a good job he did. I can't wait to see what he does in future years. I hope he stays a haunter for life.

circa 2021
Update 10/30/22 10:45 PM PT: I'm glad to see that this haunt (also known now as The Holiday House Mar Vista) has been back and better than ever the past two years.

Tonight, on Halloween Eve, just as the 7 p.m. musical show was ending, its creator (who I've since found out is Dylan Keville) was making some adjustments to the animatronics to keep them in perfect working order.

This year marked the return of more of the same giant inflatables...

circa 2022
...as well as some new ghouls, demons, and other frightful creatures added to the lawn.
I hear there's a yard display at Christmastime, too...
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