But somehow, I've managed to keep plugging away, as I always seem to do.
And there are some good things on the horizon—namely, the history book I'm writing for the centennial of
The Los Angeles Breakfast Club, which will be published in 2025. That's taking up a lot of my time now—time I could be spending "out there" exploring, and on here sharing my experiences.
I'm certain the sacrifices I'm making now—including not doing any freelance writing for other publications—will pay off in the end. But that just means it may look as though I haven't been as productive this year.
At least, for now.
But I still had plenty of good stuff to share—so, as is my tradition at the end of each year, here follows my Top 10 posts of 2024.
That's based on clicks/page views alone and not by some subjective judgment on their quality. So, if you'd like to know what other people were reading in 2024, take a gander here: